When thinking about Japanese Asian cuisine, there’s usually one type of food that comes to mind: sushi. Millions of people enjoy this Asian cuisine rolled food called sushi. Sushi, the Japanese bar food that comes in rolls, has come a long way. In Western culture, Asian foods like sushi, ramen, and kimchi have become increasingly popular. If you’re looking for tasty, new cuisine, sushi is a great place to start. Especially if you like raw fish!
If you’re in the market for healthy lunch sushi specials, you’re in luck. Sushi is full of healthy ingredients such as rice, fish, and a variety of vegetables. Since Japanese cuisine is one where food waste is a concern, they use almost anything to wrap the rolled rice and fish.
It would seem like it is a simple food to make, but since there are hundreds if not thousands of sushi combinations, the potential chefs often train for up to ten years! No wonder sushi lunch specials are so delicious. Saving money and getting great-tasting nutritional food is a winning experience for anyone. Since there are so many options to try, be sure to check them all out! You may never know which variation of sushi lunch deals will become a favorite for you!
The mothers have big plans for the week. After long summer days of taking children to the beach, monitoring play dates with friends, and getting to and from practices of every kind, the children are headed back to class. And while many of the mothers would not trade a day of running from private drum lessons to ballet lessons and swim classes to art workshops, many moms are not sad about the hectic schedule ending. Soon enough the long afternoons at home may be too quiet, but for today, it is time to celebrate.
With plans to spend all morning at one of the really good sushi restaurants along the beach, the mothers will arrive in shifts as soon as the drop offs occur. It’s never too early for top cuisine choices neat a relaxing beach with other moms who find themselves free for a few hours after the long days of summer.
Good Sushi Restaurants Experiment with New Items While Also Relying on Traditional Favorites
Local sushi restaurants may be a novelty in some parts of the country, but for many, rows of perfectly plated and neatly arranged seafood appetizers selected from extensive sushi bars have long been a favorite. A quick scan through social media posts on any given day, in fact, will likely show at least one or two photos of some happy couple or entire family our enjoying sushi. The presentation itself is so spectacular, snapping a quick photo of the food at good sushi restaurants before eating it is difficult to resist.
Packed with protein and other healthy ingredients, consider some of the nutrition facts of some of the most popular items ordered at good sushi restaurants across the country:
- The Typical Nigiri sushi roll has an average of 350 calories and 10 grams of proteins.
- The average California roll has 255 calories.
- The average tuna roll has 184 calories.
Interestingly enough, the actual word “sushi” comes from the rice vinegar used to make the rolls, not the fish itself. And while the offerings in the really good sushi restaurants are known for their unique flavors and different levels of spice, the presentation that requires the rice vinegar are delicious as well. Theis unique way to present these rolled treats is an example of the precision that is required by the chefs. Originating in Japan, many sushi like dishes were created throughout Southeast Asia as well before making their way to America. American diners might be surprised at the lack of waste produced by Japanese chefs as they use everything from edible cucumbers and eggs as delicate wraps. In America, however, it is not uncommon for sushi to be wrapped in nori or soy paper.
Relying on a Centuries Old Tradition, Sushi Chefs Continue to Attract More Fans Across the World
With an estimated 45,000 sushi restaurants located in Japan, it should come as no surprise that an apprentice Japanese sushi chef will spend as many as five to 10 years training behind a sushi bar. With a variety of fresh ingredients needed, the preparation of these fish and vegetables, as well as the daily sharpening of the knives, is a time consuming task.
In America, there are an estimated 3,846 sushi restaurants and these are just a fraction of the 16,000 sushi restaurants located outside of Japan. As the popularity and the knowledge of these restaurants continues to grow, so does the entire american seafood industry. For instance, the current U.S. seafood industry generates an estimated $2 billion of yearly revenue and employs an estimated 10,760 people.
No matter if it is time to celebrate the children heading back to school or the retirement of a favorite coworker, visiting a local sushi bar is a popular choice for many Americans. The fun of ordering and convincing friends to try your favorites is all part of the process. A process that started centuries ago in Japan and has now made its way throughout must of Southeast Asia, other countries, and America. Selecting the exact items you want on a seafood platter ensures that you will have a memorable meal. And, who knows, your dining friends may introduce you to a new found favorite as well.