Four Tips For Hosting The Perfect Wine Tasting Party

It’s no secret that Americans love drinking wine. With more than 10,000 kinds of wine grapes available in the world, there’s never a shortage of options for wine drinkers, whether you’re looking for a red wine or white wine to pair with dinner or looking for an after-dinner wine to serve at a party.

If you’re a wine lover, you probably love it for its taste or the way it pairs with certain foods. That’s certainly more than enough reason to drink it, but there are also plenty of health benefits to having a glass of wine every so often:

  • Lowering your cholesterol
  • Fighting colds
  • Helping fight cancer
  • Giving your brain a boost
  • Helping to control your blood sugar
  • Helping you lose weight
  • Promoting your heart health

If you love wine and you have friends and family who love wine, one of the best ways you can share in that passion is to have a wine tasting party. With so many folks buying wine online these days, it’s easy to get an eclectic array of new wines to try. Odds are if you’re a wine drinker, you usually open one bottle of wine at a time and drink it until it’s gone. With a wine tasting party, you can open several bottles at a time and get to sample each one.

If you’re going to host a wine tasting party, here are some tips for making it absolutely perfect:

  • Go with a theme: When it comes to picking a theme for your party, it can be whatever you want it to be. If you buy wine online, many online wine sellers have search options available for you to narrow down exactly what you’re looking for as well as plenty of online wine sales.
    So what are some good themes? You can do a style theme, which might be dessert wines or bold red wines or dry white wines. You can do a region theme where all the wines for the party are from a specific wine-making region. In this case, you can easily do either foreign or domestic. You can also choose a value theme where all the wines are within a specific dollar amount; think something like “Great wines you can drink without breaking the bank!”; these days it’s easy to find cheap wine online. If you don’t have any good ideas, you can go with a random theme where everyone brings a bottle of their favorite wine.
  • Plan for a small party: For wine tasting parties, the best parties are best kept intimate; think about 10 guests or less. This allows you to have conversations with your guests and it also allows you to take each bottle of wine and divide it into equal portions. If you’re looking into buying wine online, keep in mind that with all the wine samples combined, each person is probably going to drink close to a bottle of wine. It’s best to start small with portions and then re-pour if necessary. Don’t forget to provide spit buckets too.
  • Get the supplies you need: If you’re hosting a wine tasting party, make sure you have all the necessary supplies. Make sure you’ve got plenty of glassware, spit buckets, palate cleansers (things like crackers or bread) and pen and paper, so folks can keep notes on wines they taste and write down wines they like.
  • Serve good food: You can buy plenty of wine from an online wine shop to stock up for a wine tasting party, but you can really take your gathering over the top by serving great food to pair with all the wine. You can easily go online and do some research on what wines pair best with particular foods. You can serve savory foods like meat and cheese and also sweet foods such as chocolate. Your guests are coming over to taste wine, but you can send them home with a full stomach too.

    By doing some research on different foods and different wines, you can throw an unforgettable wine party; one that’s going to allow you to eat some good food and sample a lot of great wines while having a fun time with friends and family.

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