Over the past ten years, there has been a strong shift in culture in the United States. This is something that cannot be disputed and is backed by real changes in society. For instance, one of the hugest changes comes by way of technology and it has allowed for a new food culture to rise up in society.
Before technology expanded and improved forms of mass communication, people often heard about restaurants from advertisements, reviews, or word of mouth. However, technology has now allowed for communication to provide a transfer of culture between different areas on the planet. Now, people in the United States are more open to trying foreign food than ever before.
The rise of organic micro greens can definitely be snugly fit into this conversation. This is a very healthy type of vegetable and it is sweeping the nation right now. There are more fine dining restaurants that utilize organic micro greens on their menu than ever before. Here are some facts on this newly popular type of food.
When it comes to organic micro greens and fine dining restaurants, there is a large amount of focus put towards plating presentations. While this may seem silly at first, it is one way to present true leaves, true leaf microgreens, and micro herbs in a way that looks good. Understand that most children will want 6 food colors and 7 different kinds of food whereas adults will prefer 3 colors and 3 food components.
There are perhaps 100 types of common garden flowers that are both edible and palatable. These types of organic micro greens are becoming more and more popular over the years. As a matter of fact, there are more people who pride themselves on consuming only vegetables and fruits and thus there are more people consuming this type of food.
Even though organic micro greens are not hitting their stride in terms of popularity, they have been around for quite some time. This type of food can trace it’s origins back to nearly 30 years ago. So this just goes to show that the world of food can change fluctuate depending on how a culture sees it fit.
There is a scale that is currently used across the globe that works to rate microgreens in terms of their quality. This scale goes from 1, which is poor, to 5, which is excellent. A rating that is less than three is usually deemed as an unmarketable product that is not going to be consumed.
The upscale segment of the restaurant industry makes up approximately 10% of total U.S. restaurant sales. Visits to fine-dining restaurants were up 3% in the past year, meaning there were thousands, if not millions, more Americans dining in upscale restaurants. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, households with incomes of $100,000 or higher are responsible for 36% of the total spending on food away from home.
In Conclusion
The average cost for a person eating a fine dining restaurant will equate to just about $28.55. This is because there is a high demand for this world of consumption.