Owning a restaurant is terrific, but running the day to day business is challenging. Restaurants prepare food, which means that if the food is not well prepared, it will not be of a 5-star level. Preparation involves using equipment to get the right thickness or consistency.
Therefore, as a restaurant owner, it is important to have all the necessary equipment. Not only will these equipment make work easier for your employees, but also it helps produce an evenly tasting meal. Here are the significant equipment that you should not run a restaurant without.
1. Dough Sheeter
Rolling by hand, is old fashioned, and it is tiring. The dough sheeter makes work easier by rolling out the dough into the desired thickness within a short period. The sheets produced by a dough sheeter are usually smooth and uniform. The machine is easy to use, as every step is straight forward.
All restaurants should have a dough sheeter, especially pizza stores. A dough sheeter guarantees productivity as the dough will always be ready on time.
2. Meat Grinder
Ordering ground meat every day from a butchery can be a challenge if you have many clients who love it. This is because you will need to employ a person who goes to the butchery after every four hours to pick the meat. However, you can avoid this stress by owning a meat grinder.
Get the best meat grinder that effectively helps your chefs. A meat grinder is also used to make sausages and burger patty, and therefore it performs many significant tasks. Also, use the meat grinder when grinding bones, cookie dough, and vegetables to make diverse, healthy foods as 67% of millennial consumers at restaurants have attested that they love ordering healthy options.
3. Meat Tenderizer
In preparation for cooking, tenderizing slabs of meat using a meat tenderizer is crucial as it helps the cooking process to be fast. All the ingredients in the pan will quickly get into the meat when it has been pounded using the meat tenderizer.
A commercial meat tenderizer helps the meat to have openings where the ingredients infiltrate into the meat. This will guarantee your meat to be of flavor. Also, it helps the meat cook evenly, both outside and inside.
The meat will be soft, and you will have many clients who love your meat. Different designs of commercial meat tenderizers exist in the market. Therefore, choose one that is effective in regards to the type of meat that you make.
4. Bakery Mixer
If you own a bakery, then you have received a couple of complaints from your bakers about how mixing is tiring. Mixing baking ingredients using a spoon is a nightmare, and you are not guaranteed to have a smooth mix. For this reason, it is vital to have a bakery mixer.
The mixer helps put together all the ingredients needed for baking within a short time. Uniform mixing is significant in the final taste of the product. The baking products will have a smooth taste where a person can taste all the ingredients used.
Mixing with a spoon causes inconveniences, such as having one side more concentrated with ingredients than the other one. It is vital to get a quality commercial bakery mixer that works for the ingredients that you use daily when baking.
5. Meat Cutters
Butchers are expanding their business to cutting and processing small cuts of meat per individual customer. Therefore, it is crucial to employ a professional meat cutter to use the cutting equipment in your shop. Customers love having their meat cut according to their specifications, with some preferring extra thinness.
This is impossible if you don’t have a commercial meat cutter machine. The machine allows the cutter to cut meat from larger sizes to steaks, roasts, and chops. This will improve the quality of your business and it will take productivity to the next level.
Having the right equipment in the food industry is crucial. This guide provides you with essential equipment that make a tremendous impact on the operation of your food business. The American Eagle Food Machinery brand provides all these machines in a high-quality value as compared to other brands.