Do you easily purchase bunch of beets from farmer’s market? Do you have experience in this purchasing power? Have you ever investigated what you purchase and what is the worth of food? Do you know the food item you purchase is seasoned or unseasoned? Would it be beneficial for you?
Here are some farmer’s market tips for you:
1.Don’t be shy:
It is not hidden from anyone that we are great fans of our local farmers. When you visit a farmer ask him about the food you do not know about. This would help you to understand what are the pros and cons of the foods you wish to purchase and how they can be beneficial. You should also inquire that whether the selected item is coming in the season or it is off the season. Make this practice as a part of your learning habit and once you develop this practice, you would easily save your time and money while purchasing a certain food.
2.Find out why it’s not certified organic:
It must be in your mind that if a produce is not labeled as organic does not mean that it is a dirty produce. Most of the farmers do not afford the USDA certification but still they use organic practices. To get the produce verified, try to find hidden source of organically farmed food and show it to the farmer that how his food was grown.
3.Bring your own bag, and maybe a cooler:
If you wish to not spoil the food you purchase then must carry a big with yourself when you visit a farmer’s market. It is a good gesture of goodwill toward the farmers and the small plastics bags being sold in the markets are not suffice for the food. Similarly, if your market is selling milk, eggs, fish, and cheese then bring a cooler with yourself.
4.Shop early for selection, shop late (or in bad weather) for deals:
If you are looking to buy something fresh and healthy then you have to wake up very early. Actually most of the fresh foods are purchased within the first few hours of the market opening and if you wish to buy a fresh seasoned food then visit the market just after its opening. Besides, if you cannot visit in the morning then go to market in late hours. In the evening most of the farmers offers good discounts to shoppers and this is the right time for you to get a bunch of food items on reasonable and fare rates.
5.Bring small bills:
Most of the farmers deal in cash in the markets. It would be better if you bring small bills to avoid any inconvenience.
6.Buy the uggos:
Ugly duckling will help you to get low costs on what you purchase. Though, a big majority of shoppers used to buy painted supermarket fruits bred for their uniform looks but oddest looking varieties could be best testing and cheap.
7.Buy in quantity:
If you wish to get some discounts then buy in bulk quantity. Certainly, if you buy 1 kg of Tomato from the farmer, he will not give you some discounts but when you buy 5 pounds of tomato he will surely give some discount.
8.Shop around:
Shopping around is a good habit. If you happen to encounter that several farmers sell the same product in the same row then do not hesitate to compare prices and quality of the foods.
9.Try something new each week:
Are you bored to eat same foods every week? Try something new this time. It is better to experience with new things rather than confining to certain limit of choices.
10.Check Rate List:
Most of the farmers place list before their shops. Hence, prior to beginning with shopping, must check the rate of all items.