Four Reasons To Start Selling Soup

Every year, Americans eat more than 10 billion bowls of delicious soup. When it comes to buying it, women buy it twice as often for lunch than men, but it’s popular everywhere and in every type of weather. It’s one of the world’s most adaptable foods. In 2016, over 32% of delis were planning to enhance their soup stations, and with good reason. Soup is profitable, and here are four good reasons you should consider getting in a supply of reliable soup container and selling some of this liquidy goodness.

  1. It’s never going out of style. Soup is universally perceived as healthful and affordable, and it’s this winning combination that ensures its enduring popularity. When it’s cold, people order more; but it’s very popular even in the summer. It’s considered nourishing, so some hot soup is popular with anyone feeling under the weather, and it’s also thought of as nutritious and low in calories, so diet-conscious eaters will be filling up the soup containers, too.
  2. It’s inexpensive to make and thus has a high profit margin. Even if you invest in high-quality ingredients (which you should) hot soups remain high-profit. The average consumers also aren’t really all that interested in unique and unusual soups. They want basic comfort soup unless they’re going to a fancy restaurant. This means simple soups to make, like chicken noodle, are the best sellers.
  3. It’s still a good deal for everyone. Not only are the contents of that hot soup container good for the seller’s bottom line; they’re also good for the buyer. It has everything that the budget-conscious want. Fill up a soup container and it becomes mobile. Soup is also inexpensive, yet satisfying, and there’s plenty of room for variety even within the basic comfort soups. Put out a chili, a chicken noodle, a tortilla soup, and a tomato broth or creamy seafood soup and you have soups that appeal to nearly every palate.
  4. Soup is less wasteful and keeps when it’s treated properly. Many other foods are grabbed up by people with eyes a lot bigger than their stomachs. If they end up not wanting all that food, it mostly goes to waste. A soup container limits the size of individual portions, but refills make it possible to allow people to eat their fill. Smaller containers, but with the possibility of refills, keep people satisfied while still avoiding a lot of wasted food. More than that, if most of the food remains in warming pots, many of the soups can be served again the next day.

Soup is popular, nutritious, economical, profitable, relatively simple to make, and satisfies everyone. What are you waiting for? Set up that soup station and get selling.

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